Perks of transformation & modernization

Cloud transformation and cloud modernization solutions.

Cloud transformation and cloud modernization solutions.

Cloud transformation and cloud modernization solutions.

The perks of cloud transformation and modernization are lower operating costs, increased business scalability, and operational efficiency.

Read below to learn the impact cloud planning can have on your business.

Are you looking to modernize your IT infrastructure and take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing? Our comprehensive set of services and technologies can help you migrate your workloads, applications, and data to the cloud, enabling you to increase agility, flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

Are you looking to modernize your IT infrastructure and take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing? Our comprehensive set of services and technologies can help you migrate your workloads, applications, and data to the cloud, enabling you to increase agility, flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

Are you looking to modernize your IT infrastructure and take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing? Our comprehensive set of services and technologies can help you migrate your workloads, applications, and data to the cloud, enabling you to increase agility, flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

Why Cloud Transformation?

Today, cloud transformation is mission critical to making impactful business decisions, ensuring operational efficiency, and ultimately faster products to end users.

Today, cloud transformation is integral to making impactful business decisions across the operational chain. In short, digital technologies and cloud transformation are interlinked. The vast domain of cloud technology is integrated into the operations and services businesses use to provide their services and products to end users.

Today, cloud transformation is integral to making impactful business decisions across the operational chain. In short, digital technologies and cloud transformation are interlinked. The vast domain of cloud technology is integrated into the operations and services businesses use to provide their services and products to end users.

Today, cloud transformation is integral to making impactful business decisions across the operational chain. In short, digital technologies and cloud transformation are interlinked. The vast domain of cloud technology is integrated into the operations and services businesses use to provide their services and products to end users.

Cloud Transformation Strategy

How to get started on a Cloud Transformation Strategy?

How to get started on a Cloud Transformation Strategy?

How to get started on a Cloud Transformation Strategy?

At Materia Logic, we believe that a cloud transformation strategy should frame the company’s overall strategy, long term business goals, and existing technological capabilities into an actionable plan.

We call this the cloud technology roadmap. We have positioned ourselves as experts in all major cloud platforms to help you build this roadmap. We are a full technology B2B house that is invested in your success.

Check out below for some areas covered in our cloud transformation solution.

Strategy, Assessment & Road map
Discovery & Scoping
Maturity Assessment
Action Planning
Cloud Migration & Digital Transformation
Solution & Architecture
Migration Planning
Data & Cloud Migration
Continuous Improvement & Optimization
Operation Readiness

Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

Site Reliability

Whether you are looking for faster innovation, operational efficiency, business transformation, or quicker products to end users — Materia Logic has the right services to help transform and align your goals.

Check out our cloud roadmap that will help you cover all the above points and more.

Why Cloud Modernization

Cloud Modernization

Cloud Modernization

Cloud Modernization

Our cloud modernization service provides clients with a proven method of reducing costs and risks associated with non-optimized cloud environments. Our cloud modernization services will help you reduce unnecessary costs, increase productivity, organizational agility, and build resiliency into your operational chain.

Unsure if your cloud infrastructure is modernized or risks becoming inefficient and unproductive? Contact us for a Modernization Review.

Some general strategies and types of modernization we utilize to determine your infrastructure's ranking can be found below.

Already based in the cloud, but unsure if your cloud infrastructure is modernized? Cloud modernization is the process of up-keeping cloud infrastructure and architecture to current market standards and best practices. Our cloud modernization service provides clients with a proven method of reducing costs and risks associated with non-optimized cloud environments.

We will walk you through the top applicable strategies to your architecture, infrastructure, platform, and unique use case. Our ultimately goal is to add value in reducing unnecessary costs, increasing staff productivity, organizational agility, and building resiliency into your operational chain. Cloud modernization is key to realizing value in weeks and not months.

Modernization Strategies for Varying Workloads
Migration or Re-Platforming
Retiring or Retaining
Refactoring Architecture
Host Reliability Assessment
Types of Migration Modernization
Virtual Machine Migration
Data Warehouse Migration
Legacy Infrastructure
API Cloud Bridges

Want to explore options on reducing potential architecture risks or optimizing your current architecture — Materia Logic will guide you in modernizing your architecture.

Check out our cloud roadmap services that will help you cover all the above points and more.

See if Materia Logic is right for you.