


Engineering Services

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Engineering Services

Hello World

Our team is here to help you with all aspects of your cloud journey, including infrastructure and architecture design, app development, Kubernetes deployment, cloud security services, and scaling & optimization.

With our personalized service plans and deep expertise in cloud technologies, we are dedicated to helping you succeed in the cloud.

Data Pipeline Engineering

Our team of software engineers understand the need for data lakes and warehouses. We have experience in creating data pipelines for pre-processing. Our team can help build you an integrity first data pipeline.

More importantly we know that details matter when designing and structuring algorithms that can copy, clean, or make real time modifications to a data stream with or without noise.

New Application Development

Our software engineers have a wide array of experience application development. Whether you needed embedded applications to cloud ready applications, our team will create a collection of computer programs to the solution that fits your problem.

Modernize Legacy Applications

Our team can help you modernize existing legacy applications. We have engineering specialists in a wide range of programming languages that understand fundamental programming differences, algorithmic complexity, and compilation.

Let us empower your legacy systems.

Cloud Deployed AI

Our engineers specialize in AI algorithmic design and implementation. Our team can help you design, test, and deploy your machine learning systems onto a single or multi-cloud environment. Giving your organization increased reach, scalability, and easier access to your intelligent systems.

We further place emphasis on explainability, which many AI network specialists fail to capture.

Data Analytics

Our software engineers can build out custom information management and data visualization solutions for your data. Allowing you to react quicker to organizational data leading to faster decisions and a more agile structure.

Business intelligence dashboards and visualizations can be combined with AI components as well.

See if Materia Logic is right for you.